- 6m Groundplane Vertical Antenna Design
- A Comparison of Commercial 6m Antennas
- Troubleshooting Traps
by EI7BA
- A discussion of Antenna Theory by K9ERG
- A Hairpin Match for the 5-element Tonna
- AA3PX Antenna Page --
Conversations with Dr. Harold H. Beverage
- Amateur Radio
RF Safety Calculator
- Antennas - Online course. Covers these antennas: arrays, corner-reflector,
dipole, folded-dipole, ground-plane, long-wire, rhombic, turnstile, V, and
- Antenna Analyzers -- Discussion
From G3YCC Pages
- Antenna Application Notes
- Antenna Basics
- Antenna Basics --
- Antenna design article
collection KB4YLY
- Antenna Discussions -- Lots Of
Antenna Info From the CQ Contest Archives
- Antenna Discussions -- Tons of
Antenna & Tower Info From the Tower Talk Archives
- Antenna Ideas - by W9PPG
- Antenna Patterns - Radiation patterns and other properties for
these antennas: dipole, horn, loop (circular and square), parabolic, whip,
and Yagi.
- Antennas
& Transmission Lines
- Antenna Theory 101 -- Tutorial
- Antenna topics, W4RNl
- Antennas experimentation,
evaluation, balance by W8WWV
- Cheap VHF/UHF Antennas - Here is the
dimensions to make your own yagi
- Coaxial
- Crossed-Field
Antenna References
- Electromagnetic
Wave Propagation by Conduction by VE3BMV
- Elevation Solutions for Yagis
- Eliminate that 6m QRM!
- From Europort, PA3EPD,
semi-portable. Is this the future for many of us?
- Ground-mounted
- Hints and tips for
building the NBS Yagi's by G3SYC and M0BCG
- Ideas antenna fixed or portable by G3WQW
- K1TTT Technical Reference -- Loaded
- KB1GW's collection of Beverage Antenna Information
- K-FACTOR Chart & Table -
Element Length Adjustment
- Loop antennas discussion (James Dale-ANARC
- Low Loss Japanese Coaxial Cable
- Magnetic Loop antenne's.
Good article!
- Magnetic Loops for transmitting
and receiving by ON4CEO introduccion
- Microwave Antennas - Online course. Covers these antennas: arrays,
horn, lens, parabolic, and slot.
- No Tuner
Antenna System by KA3MRX
- Nociones
Elementales sobre las Antenas 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 - Onda Corta - 1933
- Omega and Gamma Matching: Contains
technical information on Omega and Gamma matches, impedance limits,
component selection, component failures - by W8JI
- Optimised Six-Metre Yagi
- Polarization and diversity: Think you
can have the best of the two worlds of vertical and horizontal? Think
again! - by W8JI
- Practical Antenna Notes -- Loaded
with ideas -- Invisible and Hidden Antennas --
- Publications on Antenna
- Quantum Loop I reviewed by
Shawn Axelrod (a bit dated!!)
- Quantum Loop II notes by Mark
- Radiation and Fields:
Electric field, magnetic field, Fresnel zone What the terms we use
actually describe - by W8JI
- Radiation Resistance: A revised
(as of Feb 14, 03) tutorial on radiation resistance and how it is used and
misused by W8JI
- Ranking of Common Antennas for Receiving -
160 meters by W8JI
- Satellite Antenna Tips
- Smart
Antenna Systems Tutorial
- Smart Antenna Systems Tutorial
- Smart Antenna Systems Tutorial: Index
- Standard G5RV Information
- Stacking Yagi Antennas
- Stealth Antenna Experiences - From
Clif's ham radio connection.
- Technical Antennas Reference
- The
antenna elmer
- The "Assistant" 50MHz
Pre-amplifier & PA
- The Basic Antenna, Part One
Two Three
four Five by W6WQC
- The Gain of an Endfire Array
- The Gain of Aerials: the Myths ExplainedAzimuth Precision - knowing your Yagi!
- The Optimized Wide Band Antenna
- The ZR6YY Antenna for 6m
- Transmission Lines and Matching Systems
Tutorial -
Yagi Antenna Design
- Tutorial
- Yagi Antenna Design
- V/UHF Antenna Design (PFD) - Covers these antennas: dipole, helical, loop,
patch, and quarter-wave.
- Weapon Antennas DX Secret
- Zen and the Art of Stacking
- Yagi
- Cubical
- Hybrid
- Verticals
- Mobile
- 4
Element Quad
- 4
Element Yagi NEW!