40M/80M Trap Dipole -- From QRZ
5/8 Wave 6 meter Mobile Antenna
Project by KC6STT
50 MHz Aluminum Dipole Antenna by N9VXQ
A Comparison of Commercial 6m Antennas
- A Hairpin Match for the
5-element Tonna
- A Long-wire Aerial for Six
- A
Practical Low Band Antenna
- All-Band Center-Fed
Inverted-L by W4RLD
- All-band Wire Antenna - by WB1GFH
- Antenna
combination loop/dipole, by KB9MZ
- Antenna design article collection KB4YLY
- Antenna Here is a
Dipole (1,677,174 bytes, PDF file) QST June 1991, pp.
23-26 Step-by-step tutorial on constructing dipoles for any one of the HF
bands from 1.8 to 28.4MHz.
- Antenna Restrictions? - Here is
Some Advice
- Antenna Zoning for the Radio
Amateur - ARRL Book On legal aspects of antenna
by Rick Hiller W5RH
- ARRL Antenna
Projects Loaded With Many Antenna Projects
- ARRL Loop Antenna Projects
- Attic Antenna
From NU3E -- An Attic Coaxial-Cable Trap Dipole for 10, 15, 20, 40, and 80
- Attic
Coaxial-Cable Trap Dipole - for 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 80 Meters from
- Balun 1.6 for
Dipoles by EA2CMW
- Battle Creek Special -- by OK1RR
-- Under Antennas
- Battle Creek Special -- by
PI4CC Contest Club
- Bazooka Antennas -- by WE6W
- Build a
Space-Efficient dipole Antenna for 40, 80, and 160 Meters (570,975
bytes, PDF file) QST July 1992, pp. 35-36 A new trap design, using only
RG-58 and PVC pipe, yields better space efficiency than conventional
coaxial traps.
- Build a
Space-Efficient dipole Antenna for 40, 80, and 160 Meters by ARRL
- Dipole -- Wide-Band Folded
Dipole -- W4RNL
- Dipole Antennas by SMØVPO
- Dipole Dual DX
Antenna - 20 and 15 meters From NB6Z
- Dipole Height
- Dipole
Multibander 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/10 meters by EA2CMW
- Dipoles and
Inverted Vees -- By W4RLD
- Dipoles
Inverted "V" and Sloper
- Dipoles VHF-UHF
- Dipoles, Rotatable -- From KQ6RH
- Double
Extended Zepp Dipole -- Cut for 15 Meters
- Double Extended Zepp HF
- Electrically-Short Dipole Antennas
- Flags and
Pennants -- Receive antennas for limited space with good
noise rejection.
- Folded Dipoles
- G5RV Multi-Band Antenna by Louis
- Half Square -
Elavated By KQ6RH
- Half Square
Antennas -- From K3KY
- Half Wave End Fed, No Radials
Antenna -- by G3YCC
- Half Wave End Fed, No Radials
Antenna -- by OE3MZC
- Height Of Dipoles - Patterns
- Helix Antenna,
Axial-Mode -- By Dr. D.T. Emerson
- HF dipoles antennas 10-160 meters
- Hidden, Stealth &
Invisible Antennas -- Condo Style From AA1DO
- Hidden, Stealth
& Invisible Antennas -- Including The Slinky
-- by WD4BIS
- Hidden, Stealth
& Invisible Antennas -- Smartuners for
Stealth Antennas From SGC, Inc.
- Hidden, Stealth,
HF Antennas -- From K3MT -- The GRASSWIRE
- Home Made
Antennas from WE6W - Bazooka Antennas and more.
- Horizontal
Antennas above Real Ground
- Horizontal
Half-wave Dipole above a Counterpoise
- Horizontally Oriented,
Horizontally Polarized Large Wire Loop Antennas W4RNL
- Ideal" Back-Up Antenna
for 80-20 Meters by W4RLD
- Inverted L
Antennas By Arnie Coro(CO2KK)
- Inverted Vee - Linear
Loaded By KGØZP
- K3KY Low Band Antennas
- K5OE Antennas -- HF Antennas - 10/15/20 m
- K6STI Receiving Loop
- Liquid Antennas
- Long Wire Antenna
Long Wire for
6 Meters
- Long Wire Impedance matching
- Loop Antenna, Magnetic,
Portable -- From G4FON
- Love My Loop!by
- Low Band Antennas -- From K3KY
- Low Band Antennas -- From K3KY
- Make That Perfect Dipole Antennas
- MFJ HF Dipole Antennas
- Mini-Beam
Geometry Basics There is a natural progression of the geometry
of the "mini-beams" deriving from the basic yagi, which in
itself owes a lot to the common dipole.
- Monoband HF
Dipole Antenna (89,852 bytes, PDF file) QST April 1993, p. 64
Construction and installation of a dipole for 80-, 40-, 15-, or 10-meters.
- Multiband Dipoles
Compared (26,496 bytes, PDF file) QST November 1996, pp.
73-74 A comparison of different multi-band dipole techniques.
- Multiband one
element Vee beam 20-6 meters by LA0HV - It reduced the antenna farm from several
Quads and 3 element junior beams for several ... 2.1 dBd (thats over a
dipole) on 20 meters to 10.8 dbd on 6 meters.
- PCA : Broadband HF Wire Antennas
- SGC Smartuners
for Stealth Antennas -- Free - Click on "Download your
copy today!"
- Short dipole for 80 meters by 4S7NR
- ShortyForty Dipole -- From FlashWebHost
- Standard G5RV Information
- Stealth 40M Antenna - From K7ZB
- Stealth Amateur Radio - Book
From The ARRL
- Super
Linear-Loaded Inverted V - 160 meters KG0ZP
- The $4
Special - An all-band wire antenna by W1GFH
- The Antenna Elmer By AC3L
& N3LSS -- HF/VHF/UHF dipoles, yagui,
Vertical, Quads,
- The Log Periodic DipoleThe TITANEX
- The Zig-Zag Dipole Doublet by W4RLD
- To Trap or Not to Trap by W4RLD
- Verkürzte
Antennen -- Short Dipoles and Verticals for 160m &
80m -- by DJ9RB
- Verkürzte
Antennen -- Short Dipoles and Verticals for 160m &
80m -- by DJ9RB
- Vertically radiating
horizontal antennas by W4RLD
- W8JK wire antenna
Wide Band Folded Dipole