- Cubical Cuad 5 Bands by
- Cubical Quad de EI7BA
Very nice construction page with color photos
- Cubical
Quad Antenna Calculator -- by KD6DKS
- Cubical Quad
Antenna Design -- by N6VNG
- Cubical Quads By EI7BA
- Quads
10-12-15 Meters From IZ7ATH
- Antenna
design article collection KB4YLY
- Design-A-Quad
Antenna Via K4ABT
- A Portable
Quad for 2 Meters (1,035,601 bytes, PDF file) QST September 1980, pp.
26-28 Backpacking, boating or mountaintopping? Invest an afternoon's work
and pack this novel directional gain antenna on your next expedition.
- A Light and
Sturdy Quad for 10 and 15 Meters (1,555,418 bytes, PDF file) QST
July 1991, pp.30-32
- Cubical
Quad Antenna Calculator VHF
- Cubical Quad
Antenna Design VHF
- Two
Element Fractal Quad for 10M -- Fracvert and its variants, From
- MultiBand
Quad - By EI7BA
- Gem
- 432 MHz 8 Element Quagi Antenna Home Brew Project
- EI7BA1
Cubical Quad
- Quads
- VE3GK's Homebrew Site
-- 80M Rotating 2 element Quad
- The Antenna Elmer By
AC3L & N3LSS -- HF/VHF/UHF dipoles, yagui, Vertical,
- Hexagonal Beam in 3
hours by EI7BA
- Antennas,
cuad fiberglass, others