- 10 Meter Delta Loop Antenna
- 10 Meter Verticals using
-- From NM5K
- 10 Metre Bisquare
-- From G4HBA
- 10M
3 Elements By DF9CY
- 20 to 10 meters
Yagi optimizing NW3Z - antenna designs for Dayton 2001.
- 5 elem 10 meters
beam on a 6 meters boom by ON4ANT
- 5
elem. 10 meters beam (widebang design)
- A compact beam for
10M VK2ABQ/'Moxon Rectangle'.- by EI9GQ
- A Light and Sturdy
Quad for 10 and 15 Meters (1,555,418 bytes, PDF file)
QST July 1991, pp.30-32
- All Band Dipole - No Tuner
- "FlowerPort"
antenna 10-20 meters portable by IZ0FYL
- All-band Wire Antenna - by
- An Hexagonal Beam in 3
- Antenna 10 Meters 6
Element 24' boom
- ntenna 10 Meters 7
Element 48' boom
- Antenna Here is a
Dipole (1,677,174 bytes, PDF file) QST June 1991, pp.
23-26 Step-by-step tutorial on constructing dipoles for any one of the HF
bands from 1.8 to 28.4MHz.
- Antenna Projects -- 10m
Antennas -- G3SYC & M0BCG
- Antenna Projects -- 2m, 10m,
6m Antennas -- From G3SYC and M0BCG
- Antenna Projects --2m, 10m,
6m Antennas -- From Brian (G3SYC) and Ian (M0BCG)
- Antennas for
- Attic Antenna -- From NU3E
-- An Attic Coaxial-Cable Trap Dipole for 10, 15, 20, 40, and 80 Meters
- Attic Coaxial-Cable
Trap Dipole - for 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 80 Meters from NU3E
- Bisquare
10 metres by G3SYC and M0BCG
- Build This Novice
Four-Band Vertical (1,568,118 bytes, PDF file) QST June 1978,
pp. 16-18 An 80-, 40-, 15- and 10-meter vertical.
- Cubical Cuad 5 Bands by EI7BA
- Dipole Antennas by SMØVPO
- Dipole Multibander
160/80/40/30/20/17/15/10 meters by EA2CMW
- "Flowerpot Antenna"
20-10 meters Luca IZ0FYL will say step to step, how to build
this efficient antenna.
- G5RV
Multi-Band Antenna The G5RV
antenna, with its special feeder arrangement, is a multiband centre-fed
antenna capable of very efficient operation on all hf bands from 3.5 to 28
- Hexagonal Beam in 3 hours by EI7BA
- HF
All-Band, No-Tuner, Horizontal,
Center-Fed Antenna From W5DXP
- HF dipoles antennas 10-160 meters
- J-Pole A J-Vertical
for 10 Mtrs - by EI9GQ
- K5OE Antennas
-- HF Antennas - 10/15/20 m
- Monoband HF Dipole
(89,852 bytes, PDF file) QST April 1993, p. 64
Construction and installation of a dipole for 80-, 40-, 15-, or 10-meters.
- Multiband Dipoles
Compared (26,496 bytes, PDF file) QST November 1996, pp.
73-74 A comparison of different multi-band dipole techniques.
- Multiband yagi covering 10 to
20 meters
- LFNo Trap Multi-Band
Vertical Antenna System, by W8
- Quads 10-12-15 Meters From IZ7ATH
- Restricted Space Antennas
- Rock Loop Atenna For 10, 14,
and 21 MHz
- Simple Gain Antenna
for the Beginner (778,544 bytes, PDF file) QST August 1981,
pp. 32-35 A tutorial on the Yagi antenna with construction of a two
element beam for 10-, 15-, or 20-meters.
- St. Louis Vertical
- The $4 Special - An all-band
wire antenna by W1GFH
- Two Element Fractal
Quad for 10M -- Fracvert and its variants, From N1ZKT
- Two on 10 -- Ten meter
portable beam from Al Alvareztorres, Jr. AA1DO
- Two on 10 (237,149
bytes, PDF file) QST April 1999, pp. 67-69 A two element 10-Meter beam
designed for portable or permanent installation. (additional information
at Web site below).
- Two on 10 A two element
10-Meter beam from the April 1999 QST. Additional information, photos and
- W9INN Antennas - Five band -
10-15-20-40-80M with resonance on each band -- Via AB7SL
- Windom - 6 Bands - From K3MT
and daughter KF4LGR
- YagiMax Antenna Design
- ZX-YAGI - for HAM
RADIO - the biggest maker of antennas in Germany